Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jean-Leon Gerome Pygmalion and Galatea

Jean-Leon Gerome Pygmalion and GalateaVincent van Gogh IrisesWassily Kandinsky Farbstudie Quadrate
HARM DONE, I AM SURE. The skull looked around and seemed to see Lezek, who appeared to be frozen to the spot, for the first time. Mort thought an explanation was called for.
'My father,' he said, trying to move protectively in front of Exhibit A without causing any offence. 'Excuse me, sir, but are FOR.
Light dawned on Mort. 'You are looking for an apprentice?' he said.
The eyesockets turned towards him, their actinic pinpoints flaring.
OF Death?'CORRECT. FULL MARKS FOR OBSERVATION, THAT BOY.Mort swallowed.'My father is a good man,' he said. He thought for a while, and added, 'Quite good. I'd rather you left him alone, if it's all the same to you. I don't know what you have done to him, but I'd like you to stop it. No offence meant.'Death stepped back, his skull on one side.I HAVE MERELY PUT US OUTSIDE TIME FOR A MOMENT, he said. HE WILL SEE AND HEAR NOTHING THAT DISTURBS HIM. NO, BOY, IT WAS YOU I CAME

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