Thursday, February 5, 2009

Edward Hopper Excursion into Philosophy

Edward Hopper Excursion into PhilosophyEdward Hopper Drug StoreEdward Hopper Conference at Night
then he saw something so bizarre he thought he had imagined it. Out of the sleeve of Sir Charles's linen jacket, past the snowy white shirt cuff, came the emerald head of a snake. Its black tongue flicked this way, that way, and its mailed head with its gold-rimmed black eyes moved from Lyra to Will and back again. She was too angry to see it at my possession and will stay there. I want it. I'm a collector. You can spit and stamp and scream all you like, but by the time you've persuaded anyone else to listen to you, I shall have plenty of documents to prove that I bought it. I can do that very easily. And then you'll never get it back."
They were both silent now. He hadn't finished. A great puzzlement was slowing Lyra's heartbeat and making the room very still.
"However," he went on, "there's something I want even more. And I can't get it myself, so I'm prepared to make a deal with you. You fetch the object all, and Will saw it only for a moment before it retreated again up the old man's sleeve, but it made his eyes widen with shock.Sir Charles moved to the window seat and calmly sat down, arranging the crease in his trousers."I think you'd better listen to me instead of behaving in this uncontrolled way," he said. "You really haven't any choice. The instrument is in

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