Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lord Frederick Leighton Leighton Winding the Skein painting

Lord Frederick Leighton Leighton Winding the Skein painting
William Bouguereau Birth of Venus painting
Unknown Artist Albert Edelfelt Virginie painting
weight; -- and whereas the original Procrustes, citizen of what could now be termed a "hands-on" culture, had to exercise both brain and brawn, he, Chamcha, could lounge back in his Parker--Knoll recliner chair and let his fingers do the chopping. It seemed to him, as he idled across the channels, that the box was full of freaks: there were mutants -- "Mutts" -- on _Dr. Who_, bizarre creatures who appeared to have been crossbred with different types of industrial machinery: forage harvesters, grabbers, donkeys, jackhammers, saws, and whose cruel priest-chieftains were called _Mutilasians_; children's television appeared to be exclusively populated by humanoid robots and creatures with metamorphic bodies, while the adult programmes offered a continual parade of the misshapen human by-products of the newest notions in modern , and its accomplices, modern disease and war. A hospital in Guyana had apparently preserved the body of a fully formed merman,

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