Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Leonardo da Vinci Head of Christ painting

Leonardo da Vinci Head of Christ paintingLeonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa Painting paintingRembrandt Rembrandt night watch painting
person who assumes nobody wants to talk with him because he sits quietly in a corner during a party. * The person who thinks that her offer is not wanted because the email wasn’t replied to. * The person who believes he isn’t wanted at an event, because he didn’t receive an invitation. * The person who feels the customer isn’t interested because she didn’t reply to the first sales message.
I think there are some reasons people are biased towards being too passive (more on that later), but I think the effect can be dangerous. By misunderstanding the feedback given, many people give up too early in going after what they want, and assume a lack of encouragement is a sign of failure.Lessons in Fundraising
I spent the past summer as a volunteer, seeking sponsorship dollars for University events. In many cases I needed to call, email or voicemail a dozen times before I would hear a response back. However, when I finally did reach the person I wanted to speak with, that person was often happy to participate in the program.
My instincts told me not to step on toes. If I left one voicemail, missed call or email

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