Friday, August 29, 2008

Henri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952 painting

Henri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952 paintingCassius Marcellus Coolidge A Friend in Need paintingEdvard Munch Puberty 1894 painting
Georgina smiled and appealed to us: "He must be mistaking me for someone else. . ."
"Don't set there and deny you're O.B.G.'s daughter!"
"I'm sure I don't know those initials at all," she said a little impatiently. "My father's name was the same as this gentleman's."
Peter Greene would be durned if it was. "His name was O.B.G., and you know it!" To us he declared, "Him and me was thick as thieves when I was a boy -- built us a raft together!"
Stoker's secretary replied that her father had been an assistant librarian until his recent death, and that that was that. Then Stoker added gaily, just as I was coming to it myself, that Georgina's maiden name had been Herrold. Having heard news of her long-lost father's death and cremation, she had sought out Stoker for more details; the conversation had turned into an interview -- which our arrival had interrupted -- and finding her qualifications satisfactory, Stoker had employed her on the spot. His teeth flashed in his beard. "Small campus, isn't it?"

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