Monday, July 14, 2008

Filippino Lippi paintings

Filippino Lippi paintings
Francisco de Zurbaran paintings
bonds. And friendship only gets more important from there on out, as kids gain the life skills that will lead to future independence from their parents. All along these years, parents can help ready their children for successful friendships. Author Carol Weston, who has written three advice books for girls (Private and Personal, Girltalk, and For Girls Only), lists a few things parents can do to instill friendship skills. "They can be role models themselves by enjoying their own friends and showing that friendship is part of their own lives," Weston says. And they can pass on some of those unwritten rules of friendship. Small children need to learn to say thank you Older kids need to learn about hurt feelings, including what causes them and how to deal with them. And they need to learn about the issues surrounding popularity, she adds

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