Thursday, June 5, 2008

Klimt The Kiss (Le Baiser _ Il Baccio) painting

Klimt The Kiss (Le Baiser _ Il Baccio) painting
Seignac L'Abandon painting
Hanks Blending Into Shadows Sheets painting
Perez the face of tango ii painting
daylight, there was much to admire in the diversity of these edifices, all sculptured in wood or stone, and offering, even then, perfect examples of the various styles of architecture in the Middle Ages, ranging from the fifteenth back to the eleventh century, from the perpendicular, which was beginning to oust the Gothic, to the Roman which the Gothic had supplanted, and which still occupied beneath it the first story of the ancient Tour de Roland, at the corner of the square adjoining the Seine on the side of the Rue de la Tannerie. At night, nothing was distinguishable of this mass of buildings but the black and jagged outline of the roofs encircling the Place with their chain of sharp-pointed gables. For herein consists one of the radical differences between the cities of that day and the present, that whereas now the fronts of the houses look on the squares and streets, then it was their backs. During the last two centuries the houses have completely turned about.In the centre of the eastern side of the square rose a clumsy and hybrid pile formed of three separate buildings joined together. It was known by

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